Digital Partner

August 24, 2018

Bigrox Media Ventures is primarily into providing branding solutions through digital and creative mediums.

Our next generation, internet-of-things based digital branding platform focuses on reaching out to targeted customers. We specialize in dynamic publicity of our client’s brand, product, or services through different avenues in branding industry. Our innovative and proactive, cloud-based, product-first approach has enabled us to become the leading player in the digital out-of-home branding segment. Our creative services in commercial video and short documentary production range from initial conception, storyboarding, direction, production, delivery, and promotion. We enhance online visibility and social promotion of a business through focused social media marketing services.

It is in the tenets of Bigrox that we gravitate towards noble causes and every such encounter adds a new dimension to the understanding of the world around us. Profoundly stirred by the objectives of SwachhAblility, we feel honoured to be associated with an event so absorbed in reforming the society.

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