Swachh Bharat - Role of Schools

August 14, 2017

Swachh Bharat Mission is a national campaign which was officially launched on 2nd October, 2014 by PM Narendra Modi. It is a government initiative which aims at making India clean and green along with eradicating open defecation by 2019. Emerging out as India’s largest ever cleanliness drive with 3 million government employees, the real heroes of it turned out to be the school students who have been enthusiastically participating in the drive since the very beginning.

The campaign attempts to target people from all walks of life so that the ultimate objective can be achieved over a short span of time. Alongwith some prominent faces from the world of bollywood, sports and politics, school students have been one of the foremost brand ambassadors of the programme.

The school authorities have played a pivotal role in infusing the students with the fervour of maintaining swachhta in the vicinity of their school and residence. They have been making the students aware about the importance of hygiene and proper sanitation facilities, encouraging them to keep every nook and corner of their surroundings pollutant-free.

Taking all this a step ahead, the students have taken the initiative beyond classrooms. They are so wholeheartedly involved in it that after undertaking the cleanliness drive in schools, they are eagerly stepping out, with brooms acting as magic wands, making their city spic and span, miraculously.

It is the need of the hour to make the students the main protagonist of cleanliness as they make it easier to spread the word of swachhta among the masses and further, motivate others to keep their homes and surroundings clean, making the drive a successful campaign.

The aware students of today will be confident enough to put forward the right questions and make the government answerable. Once the young minds start demanding real positive changes in the society, the authorities will be left with no option but to bring about those changes in the society, ultimately making India, the India of our dreams.

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