JK cement SwachhAbility Run - The Second edition culminates in Bengaluru

November 12, 2017

Accomplishing the mission was a strenuous task but the firm determination to bring the much needed change in the Indian society kept us moving forward and JK Cement SwachhAbility Run was warmly welcomed by the Silicon Valley of India, Bengaluru.

The day started with the usual Zumba warm up session with an unusually charged crowd which made us eagerly wait for the events of the day to unfold. The flag off by the Veer Naris was a tribute to our martyrs and filled each one of the participants with a desire and power to contribute in nation building. As they ran along the streets of the city, with every breath they visualized a better India. This feeling kept the fatigue away and they took each step confidently and in favour of the nation.

A total of 3105 people became a part of our mission, out of which there were 128 divyangs who challenged their own disability and proved to the world that they are in no way less able than anyone. One among them was the Blind Runner, Amarjeet Singh Chawla who, even at 61 years of age, ahs more than 75 half marathons to his credit. He is the only visually impaired mountaineer to scale the Dolma Pass that stands 19,830 feet above the sea level. 2300 school children left us spellbound with their innovative ideas to spread the message of SwachhAbility. Such aware and concerned young minds assure us of a beautiful tomorrow of our Motherland.

After completing the run, not even single hand hesitated from getting their hands dirty in the Swachhta drive. They cleaned the designated area, leaving it spick and span. The area was handed over to Federal Public School to be taken care of in future. Mr. Anil Kumar, the Secretary of Federal Public School said, “ We’ll make aware, not just our school but even the localities”. Such an effort will gradually start to bring a change in the society. Mr. K. Unnikrishnan, father of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan who was awarded with the Ashoka Chakra for his selfless service to the nation, believes, “ Cleaning is the second part, not dirtying it is the first part”. It is, indeed, a statement well said.

In the Award Ceremony, that followed, the efforts and will power of all the participants was acknowledged and applauded. The feeling of accomplishment was clearly visible on the happy faces. Very confidently, they pledged for a Swachh and Inclusive India, repeating the words after Major DP Singh. The melodious recitation of the National Anthem concluded the grand event.

Though, it was the last run of the second edition, Major DP Singh proudly announced that there was more to come. He said, “ We are not going to stop here. We are going to cover each and every small city of this beautiful country, INDIA”.

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